Because you’re happier, healthier.

Art Direction
Brand Strategy
Print Design

Fitness and personal training, can be a pretty daunting experience, even for the seasoned gym bunny. At times, it can be quite elitist, often focused on hard hitting messages promising pains, and gains, and so on. Sounds great.

What about those who aren’t looking at the fastest route to lifting a car, but are serious about their health and fitness? Those who are pregnant, or that have been pregnant, or those that want fitness advice, during the menopause. What about a personalised fitness brand, just for women?

KWS were briefed to create a brand that was accessible for women of all ages and abilities, that was serious about fitness, but didn’t make it sound like a boot camp.

A person doing pilates stretches across 3 billboards depicting a big stretch, alongside text that says "Big stretches, even bigger smiles" For an LBD pilates advert designed by Kyle Wilkinson Studio

The solution.

We helped create new services to cater for different needs, such as LBD Nutrition & LBD Prenatal. The branding was pitched at a medium to high category, with a focus on verbal identity – with the brands image being representative of all body types, with a key message of being happier, healthier.

We collaborated on.
Brand Strategy, brand design & tone of voice.

Kyle Wilkinson Studio